I think the photography in my newest book "You Still Bring Me Flowers" is my best yet !!  jmnsho ;-)
Well book 4 is almost ready to be published, this one is all about the relationship I have been blessed to have with my wonderful husband. I'm not quite sure why I am here talking to myself, but ah well atleast it gives me a record of my publishing adventures. If anyone reads this: I wish you many blessings and much happiness.


 I painted this portrait of Robert Browning when I was a teenager, no he didn't sit for the portrait !! HA HA  I enjoyed painting but I have always preferred sketching or drawing more, for one thing it's easier to do anywhere.  It's a lot easier to carry around a sketch pad and a few pencils than  canvases, paints, and brushes. I suppose ultimately the reason writing appeals to me even more than sketching is because I like to think I can paint pictures in peoples minds with my words. I only need a small notepad and now I can even use a tiny netbook computer to create my style of "art".